

Dec 10


Hay amplio consenso entre los viajeros sobre que la capital es lo más feo de Costa Rica. Sobre lo que no iba en aviso es de que fuera tan peligrosa.

Pregunto a unas chicas por la zona de los hoteles (hoteles heteros) y me indican la mar de simpaticas que está al lado. Y a la que me voy me dicen:

-Pero prended un taxi !!! No seais loco !!!

-Aquí hay muchos asaltos.
Y así me advirtieron por donde fuí, así que me decidí a dar una vuelta por las calles abarrotadas y en cuanto anocheciera al hotel y con candado, que se percibe el miedo paseando.
Todo bien hasta ahí, solo que no caí en que no me quedaba agua. Así que me acosté, aunque con sed.
A las 12 y media de la noche no podía más, me moría de sed. Mis opciones eran las siguientes:
- Drinking tap. Survive but would have diarrhea for a week.
- Meeting with sneakers, as Pedro Navaja, and find something open.
and I chose the latter. There was only souls through the dark streets. But I got my goal; water and return safely.
That shit gives.


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  1. Cobi

    Well I was there a little over a year and I assure you that danger, little. In fact, went out to dinner very quietly through the center… Maybe it's that you have gone to stay at the area of ​​the slums you see when you arrive by plane… Have you searched the world seedy hotel to make sure it was not like the last to see in Key West with your… Can we say “groom”? ?”Initiator”? ?”Teddy”?

  2. Josan

    No guy, I got my very afraid. More than in the gay hotel.

  3. Cobi

    Costa Rica is a very peaceful country with little crime. About what prevented us most is with thefts (apparently, there is a black market for stolen passports tremendous) and against car thefts.

    I suppose you've watched, but just in case here's more information: http://www.mae.es/es/MenuPpal/Paises/ArbolPaises/Costa+Rica/Recomendaciones+de+viaje/

    In the province of Limón (southeast, I) problems currently dengue, me you would not go there.

    Ah, certainly, Costa Rica is one of the few countries without an army. That left the data.

  4. Cobi

    The link I post is short. It is the site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain.

  5. Mamen

    Beware if the mosquis. But sometimes I get more black than it is in reality, and clear and do not know what's out there…you imagine all, but need not be less than a bad neighborhood in Madrid or any other city. It happened to me as well when I went to Dominic Rep, I was told not to leave the hotel, and clear, Who is resigned?. I guess they do not want to come out from seeing all q's out and poverty that have. And because clueless tourist equals money. I left, and the first thing I find is a giant guy with a machete, lol, but we, would come from cutting cane or something man, and even though I smell like dogs fear passed over, haha.
    Nothing, you see researching gradually see…
    If you do not read soon as we start to worry ;-) .

  6. Josan

    Caray, Cobi, have said before, justice Estoy for the province of limit!!

    Thanks to out link.

  7. Cobi

    Donde ponía “epidemia of dengue” queria decir “academic tango”. Ya Sabés que me encantan los bailes de salon…

  8. Anonymous


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