

February 07



And I come back to the blog !!! If only to go away counting this trip backpacking in my early holiday. The destination well worth.

I like Colombia! But what most friendly people!!!

Colombia tastes like tropical fruits and a coffee, cumbia sounds and a whale. Here live and mixed Indians, black and white. Llega desde las playas del Caribe hasta la selva amazónica pasando por las montañas de nieves perpetuas, Es el país de Shakira, de García Marquez, de las FARC y de los grupos paramilitares, del honrado Juan Valdés y de los cárteles de la cocaína, A pesar de todo un país relajado y alegre de gente encantadora y chicas preciosas.

Uribe was, the last president, Colombia which made quite a safe place. The guerrillas, FARC, en sus orígenes de ideología marxista, (today and without ideology, without support among the population, perhaps fighting only by inertia) carry over 40 años dando guerra por las selvas y zonas rurales. The atmosphere of insecurity was such, that created numerous paramilitary groups, soon became new actors on stage, financed with cocaine, Todo esto añadido a los grandes cárteles de la droga, with their own armies, and, course, Colombian army himself. Many cocks for one pen.

Under Uribe's two terms, with substantial assistance from the U.S. and many tough, se diezmaron las guerrillas y fueron matando sucesivamente a los líderes de las FARC, Among them the ·”Mono Jojoy”, del que supieron que había encargado unas botas, I put a GPS in the heel and as he threw a missile located.
Well, already well, I mess with the story but what is going to count the trip…

The three conquerors.


españoles y en paro, clear
Y por Colombia, backpacking, let these three tiarrones, Although at this point I think I should tell; he descubierto que Chimo usa crema hidratante, very little straight in my opinion…
En cuanto a Alejandro, I will tell you what is possibly the best live person throughout the huge round stone, but that's another story…
Antigua ciudad colonial y buen puerto desde el que llevarnos su oro. Its old town is beautiful and full of life. Over here callejeamos drifting a couple of days to take away the jet lag. And the most affordable ticket required to spend the night at the Charles de Gaulle airport, París.

“Totis”: Tó tiraos, with cardboard
in the Paris airport

La idea era que la mano tocando el culo pareciera del cura…

En la ciudadela no vimos apenas colombianos residentes. We were two sides: Legion of tourists and the legion of hustlers. Namely, juices vendors, gum, coffee thermos, beverages, shiner, scribes, beggars…

Sellers of minutes to mobiles. They buy and sell promotional packages minutes down the road. Normally only Colombians lloevan mobile for calls, and draw from these positions


We doubt very much whether or not to go, we thought it would be a turistada. And finally decide they, to bad we have taken a boat ride.


Amos pall !!! And by the way, we get the all clear to put everyone in the dark, this you can sign in to be!


Alejandro, alias “The sex bomb”, in one oblique approach quickly
established contact with the two chicas llamadas

It reventar boat tourists.


Maroma boat taking less than a hair figa.

Pues no nos defraudó, turns out to be as turistada as we feared. Fuimos on a ship filled to overflowing with tourists, llege and the one on the beach that hardly veins of the arena so there was gente..

If we tried to deploy each towel would have been impossible. More than a beach seemed colon street in rebates.


On our fourth day we went to Nozzle, and we took a gondola ride through the mangroves.

! Go fuck! Both romance pa anythin!

Chimo Comment: I had plenty in the boat to leave the couple on a romantic stroll. After the ride got cream mutually.

Josan: Filthy lie!!!

Alex: I'll tell you privately what's between Josan and Ximo and because their friendship lasts from military service. That alone and heterosexual I feel on this trip.

Our gondolier was a big man in color, (black color) with the suggestive name of Diogenes. A local sober and done to their land.

I think eventually the phone asked Chimo, but I'm not sure.

Según nos contó Diógenes a este tramo le llaman el pasaje
del amor, and above the memory of love passage

Certainly, so that tells Diogenes, Mangroves are trees with aerial roots that go up and down and form a proper habitat, así como túneles del amor y similares.

And across the mangrove Paradise Beach and beer at sunset… It would not be all suffer!


To get to the campsite we had to walk an hour through the jungle, fail roads closer. This may appear any animal, toads like tennis balls, spiders XXL, alligators…

Immediately befriended Joseline, Alonso and Barbara, tres Chilean, simpatiquísimo gorgeous it and they also. With them, y con la singapureña Mariana estuvimos todo el tiempo.

El lugar es una maravilla, spent four days sleeping in hammocks on the sand. Tanto nos gustó que casi ni nos importó el que acabáramos todos medio intoxicados y diarreicos.


Although just spent a day wondering, Santa Marta liked

Park lovers. Ayyy…
The last word in music. Here you can find any hit parade.
And otherwise, butterfly. We're going to Bucaramanga.


The couchsurfing is a great invention. Es una red social mundial en la que contactamos todos los que ofrecemos a los visitantes alojamiento gratuito en nuestra casa o al menos nos ofrecemos para enseñar la ciudad o tomar algo. El mes pasado alojé en mi casa a Beth, a china Hong Kong, the experience was very good. Now, in Colombia are running every day with couchsurfers that take us hiking or salsa.

So far we have been left with 6 couchsurfers, which in turn have given us your friends. In part works as a chain of favors, many of them are very grateful for the treatment received by those who received them on their travels. We are delighted with all of them. They have been spectacular!

The first who offered his home to sleep and took us on the town was the beautiful and very young Natalia…

…who was accompanied at all times of Light , mother. They were very kind to us, We took a trip to a colonial town, gravy, market…


The next couchsurfer in offering us out on the town was Diana, who introduced us to their friends Ricardo, Laura and Silvia.

The Colombian night we threw.
Chimo intimando con Diana
That time when all the girls are pretty
Now! all conjoined.


Going Barichara, Alexander had left one side of the bus Velmez
This coupled with the strange stigmas that have emerged throughout the body,
(he says it is psoriasis, but we do not believe) makes us think that is some sort
prophet, o Elected…

Barichara, beautiful colonial town.

Poster on a home straight. If it was a house
homosexuals would “your ass is my ass”
From Barichara we walked to Guane, two short hours with good views.
Refreshments in Guane
And otherwise, butterfly. We're going to Medellin!


The one that was most dangerous city in South America and the largest based drug cartel found it ugly and ramshackle. Stresses at the center Botero Square, filled their deformed statues.

Add legend

On this trip we played asses and tits.
Just after crossing the city with the cableway, recorrer sus barrios y vivir su noche entendimos su gran encanto.
In Colombia people classified for tax purposes in strata, ranging from zero, the poorest, al seis los más ricos. This district level was 1 as we were told, and was on a slope of up 45 degrees.
Not bad, to break the ice with a chick you can always ask: “And you're what stratum???”

would be to ask a girl you just met in Spain: “What is your marginal rate on income?”

Well loved Medellin.
Medellin spans several mountains.
How not to remember our friend Europeu?


And we went to Manizales Medellin, the city that we liked in Colombia and in which we have stayed more days.
In the bus to Manizales met Mauro, left, an Argentine boy who had been traveling in South America only. All of his group had already returned, and somehow inspired us tenderly, like a kitten in the rain, so innocent… poor, we struck a chord and adopt…

Poor??? Menudo cabrón!!!
Since the first night was more than ways; do not really know how wreathed with Alejandra, the brunette sitting at the next table with his aunt…
Mauro action.

The next afternoon Mauro, always unsatisfied, He managed to meet these two transients. To the night and had funky with Diana.

Chimo is between Lorena and Diana, in case you had not noticed.
Monument to the colonists
With Lorena, a lovely girl.


El reggaeton, as we have seen, is to practice all the Kamasutra but with clothes and music. They do not use condoms, but should. The lyrics of the music tends to be simplistic and suggestive, type ” all night making love” or ” takes,, gimme more…”

La manera más habitual de bailarla para el tío es meter la pierna entre las de ella hasta que se quede encajada, with one hand clutching the ass, con la otra haciendo círculos en el aire, and providing uniforms to the pelvis Wiggles.
Eso sí , if after a night dancing reggaeton a boy and a girl were in a hotel room, da por seguro que será para hablar y conocerse mejor, have no desire for more.

Pero aunque parezca mentira también pusieron alguna con letra del tipo: ” Christ, Christ, saved us by dying on the cross…, I swear!, and also sang it as they danced with their churris! aunque era más bien salsa que reggaeton.

Pues a bailar reggaeton nos fuimos con nuestros compañeros de habitación, Tesa London, Michele and Joel Dublin, Diana and Lorraine,

Joel, Lorena, Josan, Alejandro, Mauro, Chimo. Below Michele, Tesa and Diana. Lack Mariana, couchsurfer that took the picture.
Mauro pollinating all South America. We will leave the lost!
We had to lay evil drink.
Joel snuggling Chive. Lorena wondering: “What does kiss me?”


On our visit to the coffee we discovered two things. A, that coffee comes from a bush, that looks a bit raw cocoa, I very carefully selected and then toast and grind… we, que no salen las cápsulas de Nespresso directamente del arbol.

So looks the cafe on the ground

And the other I was the biggest disappointment after the Magi:

JUAN VALDES… …THERE !!! Resulta que es un actor que cada
a time change on the other, by some castings acojonantes. So far there have been three different.
Mean, something like 007 but with his mule instead of hot chicks. Aquí tenemos a los dos ultimos Juanes Valdés:

Had appeared Juan Valdes would have had to hide the mule
para que Mauro no la montara…

Back to Manizales we Mauro pollinating around and left with Laura, Pretty couchsurfer who invited us to his house in the mountain.

In what layer is this house?
With Laura, in Manizales.
Pablo Neruda dijo de Manizales que era una fábrica de atardeceres.


We spent two days among the 4.050 and 4.800 meters, with a cold that bothers the rough. By going with backpacks were not carrying too much equipment and we have almost all the clothes we had, summer, setting both.
Here are the pics:

Ground Water mattress call

Isabel Snowy Peak

The second day we went hiking with all the inconveniences of altitude sickness. Headache, choking every few meters, cold as hell…

Luis Fernando, show guide.


Cali View from the Mirador de San Antonio.

You are what your dog
disgusting leaves here!
Our hostel with its inner courtyard

In Cali we back together, however fleetingly,with our favorite giggoló, Mauro, who walks very busy…
Greengage, couchsurfer very enterprising, taught us some secrets of Cali. But then, we can not have.

Then we said goodbye to Mauro, that goes to Ecuador, to spread their seed around there I guess. A hug and good luck enthusiastic trip, hope to see you soon!

These Colombians do not stop dancing. Dancing in the street for all ages.


Qué bueno conocer a Karen, couchsurfera, and a Jeimy, Elizabeth, Nataly, y compañía !!! Nos llevaron a la discoteca TIN TIN DEO al cumpleaños de Violeta.
Con unas chicas encantadoras y tan bailongas, two bottles of rum and salsa Cali, In the evening we returned to confuse…

With Elizabeth, Jeimy and Karen.
Thanks to our new Chilean friends, Alonso, Barbara and Josselyne, for the good days in Tayrona; Natalia and her mother for taking excursions; Ricardo, Laura y Silvia por tan buena parranda in Bucaramanga, y a Diana además por presentárnoslos.
A Gina por enseñarnos Medellín, Empire for their massages, a Leila by Bonica, a Mariana por sacarnos por Manizales, Laura by the afternoon we spent with ella, a Aleja
by aunt-su worth, Diana for being so majete and for one night of reggaetoneo, a Lorena porque si tu hubieras querido
yo me Hubie déjà.
A Claudia por todo y por presentarnos a Luisa, by Luisa Could it be that the y fue, a Jeimy por
enseñarnos “it Jeimy”, that es el nombre that pusimos vuelta a la sauce teaches us, a Violeta por acogernos en su
fiesta of Birthday, Nataly Elizabeth and salsa dancing to be seen by us.
Muy especial agradecimiento a
Karen, for being such a good person as a dancer, and Mauro, by at least three of us Glad we respected sexually.


See you soon !!!


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  1. Orange

    Ey, qué alegría volver a ver tu blog activo!
    Certainly, qué poco glamuroso queda París en esta entrada…
    Pásalo bien.

  2. MAPI

    Me encanta la Colombia que estáis descubriendo. Cuando yo estuve hace 18 years old (dios mío, qué vieja), conocí Cartagena que me encantó, y Bogotá, que me pareció horrorosa además de peligrosísima. Claro que yo no tenía el aliciente femenino, y los colombianitos para nada eran mi tipo. Impresionantes los paisajes de las fotos. Y a ver si os ponéis más conjuntaditos!!!

  3. Anonymous

    Gracias por informarnos de los buenos placeres de Colombia, las fotos dicen mucho de ello con los tres conquistadores al frente, un abrazo a la expedición.
    Seguir informando. Un abrazo Elu.

  4. Jorge Peydro

    Primo como te lo montas, tu si que sabes. Menuda envidia. Disfruta y busca tiempo para hacer el blog que todos tenemos ganas de ver al aventurero en acción.

  5. Anonymous

    good, solo para que todos aprendan un poco mas de nuestra tierra, y sin ánimo de burla, el ballenato solo es el hijo de la ballena, nuestro hermoso Vallenato es con la otra V, para que no se les olviden lo busquen, bajen algunas canciones y lo disfruten. Un abrazo, Greengage, de Cali

  6. DG

    muy buena la ultima foto
    viaja más!
    postea más!!

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