

Dec 12


Among Miami roommates, including Alessandro, had very good vibes. Thus it was that one of them charrando, an Asian-American living in San Francisco told me he had rented a car to go to Key West, and invited me to go with the. Perfect!
And Alessandro, I was in the room said they aimed.
Key West, birthplace of this great character who was Hemingway, is the latest in a series of islands that are joined to the mainland by bridges up impressive 7 miles long.
And there we went, which Thelma and Louis and Louis.
The Asian told me he had paid a very cool hotel and I could go to if I wanted. So it was that on reaching for Alessandro looked for accommodation and we find more people we met in Miami, and just by the beach.
Key West is one of the places I liked to date, breathe good vibes. wing party night we went, drank more than recommended and well and happy evening and we went to the hotel, which very strange note.


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  1. Mapi

    And where is the end imperfect??????????????

  2. Cobi

    It's the end of “With skirts and wildly”, you know:

    - Marry me!!
    - But I'm a man!
    - Nobody is perfect…

    Or maybe it was found that the “hotel” pension was actually a shared bathroom.

    Or that the price of the room was more expensive than expected.

    We look forward to the end…

  3. Cobi

    Aunque también pudiera ser que hubieras descubierto el “lado oscuro”…

  4. Anonymous

    Era el hotel de Psicosis?

    No nos dejes con la intriga, sigue contando.


  5. Josan

    Ojalá hubiera sido el hotel de Psicosis!!!

    Un beso Pura.

  6. Mamen

    Qué cuco. Nos deja con la intriga para que sigamos a la espera.
    Lo mismo te pareciò raro porque ya veías doble por efecto de la bebida o lo veías como cuando entras en la casa de los espejos del Parque de Atracciones, todo deforme…pero yo voto por el final de “With skirts and wildly”, es más chuli. ;-) .

  7. Anonymous

    ¿es tan imperfecto que no se puede contar? O ¿de la imperfeccion salio algo perfecto? o ¿es tan imperfecto que no parece real? o ¿tan perfecto que es casi imposible?…. vamos josan cuentanos algo de dos rombos que leeremos solo a partir de las 12 de la noche… y nosotros pasando frio!!! kisses. Dalila

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